By Can first observing our individual riding techniques early on, and then focusing on particular tasks he would want us to engage on the following sessions
I had done around 30 or so track days in the last 2 years and have about 25 years of street and dirt riding under my belt. I definitely felt recently as if I had hit a plateau in my skill level
Coach is not perfect but he is one of the best and most caring in the business. Most won’t appreciate coach until you ride in his boots as an instructor, racer, and friend.
Coach will challenge your conventional thinking and as long as you do this, you will come out having learned something AND improved your riding skills.
Coach Can definitely nails teaching riders of all skill levels. Superbike-Coach is definitely among the best motorcycle riding schools in California. Signing up for every course of his on every empty spot I got!
I feel it is like a cadet army training, the first part is the toughest, but if you make the cut and comeback, things change, be ready to learn A LOT!!!. Now I have also signed up for the knee down class and track day, I’ll also repeat CSD2 and 3.