Another 30 riders graduated SBC Cornering School program


Another 30 riders have made it from Day 1 to Day 3 through out our Cornering School program

They were surprised how much more than a ‘motorcycle rider training’ this is. Here is Thomas Young Yelp review:

This course is so many things. I’ve attended Corning 1 through 3. They were fun. They were hard. They were rewarding. Although it was only 3 days of riding on a great little track. I now have the tools and understanding to improve my mental and physical riding skills. It has truly given me the confidence to be a better rider. After every class I had new skills it work on. It’s not a class that you ride away thinking Now I’m a great rider. But a feeling that I am a better rider right this minute and have tools to become an even better rider every time I get on the bike. I’m very competitive and was pushing myself and the bike above my skill level just to try and be the fastest. I wasn’t learning a thing. Just going out and scaring myself and most likely everyone else. Coach slowed me down had me do some drills. He explained why they were important. Not just do this and go faster or ride safer. But Why and How doing things his way (the only way haha) work. And guess what? I ride so much faster. But it’s not scary. It’s challenging and I understand what’s going on. I can trust myself and the bike. Don’t get me wrong about the scary, it can still happen. But the fear is gone. I can to push to scary FUN. Thank you coach. Looking forward to more time in the class room. But also some tracks days having fun playing on toys that go fast.
Thomas Young

As usual- Superbike-Coach photographer Dean Lonskey has picked some featured pictures of a truly special class, last Sunday’s Cornering School Day 3. This is the FREE download link:

Headcoach Can Akkaya

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