09:57:002024-03-16 09:57:00On one hand it’s good when it hurts, cuz’ you’ll learn from it. 09:05:082024-03-13 09:05:18That’s the type of teacher that’s willing to pour his heart sharing his knowledge so you can succeed. 22:43:122024-01-11 22:43:12I have been riding for more decades than I care to say. All that means is whatever bad habits I’ve developed are well ingrained. Practice makes permanent. I learned more from Coach Can on my first day than I have from any other source in all my years of riding. 22:13:072023-09-14 22:13:07Don’t settle with satisfactory, that’s another word for mediocrity-a synonym for failure. Have a vision, seek those who can help you get to the next level. Learn, grow-strive to be better. It matters, never does it not matter, never. 00:30:532023-08-24 00:30:53The skills learned in Cornering School Day 1 let me get out of my head and back into my heart riding. Thank you!!! I am hungry to learn more and I can’t wait to get back out for Day 2. And Day 3. 12:22:292023-03-29 12:22:29I had no idea how much it accelerated my skill development until my friends on bigger bikes started calling me “fast”