Only one more month to go and we welcome a new year. Lots of things around Superbike-Coach happened in 2015, and it seems that it will keep going like this also in 2016. But let’s reflect this riding season a little bit first, which kind of ended with a dramatic MotoGP World Champion title for Jorge Lorenzo- even with a little support.

If you maybe think I am a Rossi, Lorenzo or Marquez fan- you would be very wrong. When I am watching a race, then it’s about their performances, which is not restricted to one single racer. I herd Rossi fans saying that Lorenzo does not deserve the title, which is non-sense because Jorge’s performance in the qualifying are showing that he would have make it with or without Marquez. In other words… he really earned that title because he made less mistakes. In fact, Rossi couldn’t go the pace of the trio ahead, which was going slower as they could go- so I don’t see why all the pain and the hate right now. I feel bad for Vale because I believe that his goal is it to at least equalize Giacomo Agostini’s record of 14 world champion titles, so I hope he keeps going for it.

Let’s see what Superbike-Coach has accomplished in 2015- and still has to with one more Cornering School Day 2 on 12/6/ to go. You can fence our 2015 in with one sentence… all classes Superbike-Coach ran were booked out, and waiting lists were growing on almost each class… and all of it by word-of-mouth!

Let’s think about this for a second what that means… Superbike-Coach must be kinda good, doesn’t it?! A bed of roses- or a walk in the park?… by far not. I can tell you stories what I’ve been through- oh man. I just drop some words… I got threatened, deceived, betrayed, and copied… many times. But I never surrendered and my students are coming back because they know that Superbike-Coach is different- is first hand stuff which makes them being the better rider. Basta! :-)

Our 2016 schedule is filling quickly with all kinds of classes, also two new programs- ‘Motorcycle Preparation Workshop‘ and ‘Track Days’, which is a gigantic risk. Both only once per year for now, so make your plans for it. Superbike-Coach will be also in 2016 different, unique and efficient…. promise!

I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance folks! See ya in 2016.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach


Finding the right motorcycle glove can be time consuming, but I believe it’s worth it. I think most riders choosing the glove because of their looks. But design or even colors should be just a secondary thought. A high quality glove has its price, and yes I do understand that money is maybe a factor for you… but this goes kinda the same way you should pick a helmet, because  a natural protective instinct makes us bringing our hands out to catch the fall, so you will crash in 90% assuredly right on your hands. Here is what a bad glove choice can do to us:

  • Needles and pins (uncomfortable, slow reaction time)
  • Bad quality (short life, leather cracks, bad protection)
  • Bad protectors (weak, wrong placed, open wrists = big time injuries)
  • Bad size choice (too small: slow reaction time. Too big: interferes with throttle and levers)
  • Bad features (sweating hands, uncomfortable, slow reaction time)

Axo USA is one of a few manufacturers I found who are delivering the full package.  Their website offers sizing charts and lots of intermediate sizes to pick from.

Also their category description gives a good insight before you rush and take a purchase too easy. Spend your money wisely.

Our little video tutorial should below gives you a good idea what to look for in a glove, and how important it is to also set the levers to your needs.

How to adjust your levers the right way

Most riders are leaving the levers the way they are set from the factory, but I highly recommend to readjust them to your needs. I demonstrated in the second part of the video tutorial above, how essential especially the brake lever position can be. I actually forgot to mention that this even puts your hands and arms in a better angle to catch up G-forces under hard braking. Here is what we give away with wrong lever positions:

  • high: slow braking procedure, bad feeling for the braking
  • Too low: hard to reach when doing hanging off
  • Interferes fingers/levers

As mentioned- you’ll probably can’t just loose the bolts and simply twist each perch because most manufacturers having a pin set to avoid that for liability reasons of course. You need to remove each pin which is not a big deal at all. Have the right tools handy and be patient with your work. Set the levers in a straight line to your arms/fingers, and tighten up all bolts properly. You’ll find a much more relaxed riding position after spending some time with this.

How To Setup A Motorcycle Suspension

There are lots of misunderstandings about how to setup a motorcycle suspension setup, and I’ve seen questionable work from even supposed specialists. Those specialists make riders believe that one click on the front rebound could lower lap times by 7 seconds… yep, I’ve really experienced this.

Stuff like this is totally off reality of course, especially as I still saw his bike bouncing around on Thunderhill Raceway- totally out of balance. In fact i believe that an intermediate to advanced rider don’t even feel the difference of even 15 clicks- especially not on a OEM suspension system.

If you would approach the setup with logic, you wouldn’t have to spend $50 bux to let an expert do some ‘big deal clicks’ on your stock rear shock, which are most of the time not even going nowhere. You don’t need to be nervous to do it yourself, because the range of an OEM suspension is just to small to make a significant change in terms of stability and safety of your bike.

To really make a significant change to match your riding style and purpose- you need to make rearrangements to the geometry of the bike, and then to match the suspension to this geometry… for example:

  • Super tight track: You want to drop the front end or to raise the rear a little
  • Long braking travels: You want to drop the rear right height to keep weights low
  • Long acceleration periods: add a chain link to use up chain adjuster recourse for a longer swing arm.

Please Note All Following Points

  • There is NO “perfect” suspension setup- only the’ best compromise. A setup grows with your rider level.
  • So when someone says “I’ve clicked you the same suspension setup as I gave to Valentino Rossi”, then this is logically not going to work for you well.
  • Use the potential of a OEM suspension first before you buy aftermarket stuff… then you really know what it is capable of.

OK, the link below will open an additional page which you can print out to bring it to the track. It’s just hat this page is too much for this section here, because it throws a light on how to set it up right, and how to trouble shoot. Enjoy:

Motorcycle Suspension Guide

Headcoach Can Akkaya

…those memories of my time as a racer- but do I really want this?!

1994 Can Akkaya starts from first row after a tough battle in 250cc qualitying for the German IDM, pro racing

1994 Can Akkaya starts from first row after a tough battle in 250cc qualifying for International Dutch Open in Zolder Circuit in Belgium

Please don’t get this ‘self-asked-question’ wrong… because heck, I don’t want to loose those memories, and if I had the chance to do this all over… I probably would. But here and there are popping up some pics, videos or even race or qualifying result lists which are digitized now- thanks to scanners and Internet these days. Just like this one here, which I received from ex-racing pro colleague Wilfried Gehrman, who also attended this race.

Then I look at a document like this, and something is happening… like a flashback to specific moments of this particular qualifying. I begin thinking of what I did wrong… what i could have done better… and so on and so on. In fact it just gets me down, and takes me away from what this sport really meant to me… it gave my live a direction, goals, commitment and passion.

So I am keeping it short looking at this list to protect myself, and to memories things like this… that I started racing on a 3000 German Mark ‘junk ready’ bike and almost made it up to MotoGP anyway… that I crashed out of my first International pro race, 8 seconds in lead on the last lap because I denied to slow it down. Stupid?! yea, but I could learn a lot.

It took a lot to make my feet slowing down paddling, but I still move forward because I am still using my will and passion. I am thankful that I can help others paddling in the right direction today.




I think I said that last year and get lots of doubtful looks for it- I said that if Marquez would have to deal with a Casey Stoner- or an motivated Lorenzo- or Rossi back in form… he would never have been a world champion. But don’t get me wrong… I like his aggressive- up to arrogant riding style, but he has kinda the same easy to calculate weak spot which also Max Biaggi had… his ego runs him in trouble.

Simple said… if you show him your front wheel during braking travel- Marc would let go off the brake. It’s easy to figure him out for highly experienced guys like Rossi and Lorenzo who learned to control their temper. And it will become worse, when his temper runs him in total madness, which can be the beginning of the end in terms of injuries and motivation.

Of course it’s not the front wheel. In Mugello, Marc was on a permanent fighting line- where there was no sense for fighting lines. Instead of setting up the Ducati in front of him for a clean pass on the brakes- he went off the line in the left turn to eventually pass on the flick into the right. This made him going a tighter line into the right. The second mistake was that he  miss judged the speed for that particular line because he still tried to attack the Duc. Totally senseless loss of points.

Long way to go, and when competition bites back you gotta be smarter then that. A championship isn’t won in the first three laps of a single race. This is consistency, calculated risks, strategic thinking and learning- not overdoing. If he keeps this attitude up- he ends up where Pedrosa is today.

Headcoach Can Akkaya

Superbike-Coach Corp

20 years after professional racing… 20 years man- but it actually feels like yesterday, and sometimes it seems i have still the 124 octane/racing oil mix of a 250cc MotoGP bike in my nose, while a HRC mechanic warms up that high-end engine at a 120 db.

Success and lap record for Can Akkaya, announces the Werbepost News about his race in Eemshaaven 1994

Success and lap record for Can Akkaya, announces the Werbepost News about his race in Eemshaaven 1994

But you know what?… I’m sad, and I’m mad about myself, because lots of things have changed in those 20 years, and I didn’t keep enough material to just have it for myself- or for people who might think all of that didn’t happen, and some keyboard junky could easily put a question mark over my credentials. Almost understandable, because hundreds of newspaper cutouts are nice, but they are not even to find online on the website of the magazine who wrote it, because there was no internet back then.

Newspaper cutout of the final German Track Trophy season 1991, where Superbike-Coach Can Akkaya became Vice-Champion, 250cc GP class

Newspaper cutout of the final German Track Trophy season 1991, where Superbike-Coach Can Akkaya became Vice-Champion, 250cc GP class

I shouldn’t have give away almost all pictures of me, made by sports photographer and media, to fans and sponsors. I wished I had spend more time back then to scan and post at least the final championship stand of the German Track Trophy of the 250cc GP class in 1991. where I became Vice-Champion and turned to a professional racer. But guess what… there was no such thing as a scanner existing- and if so- where to “post” it, when there was no Internet- no blog- no Facebook, and whatsoever?! Hmmmm…

So yea, there are even TV, radio, and interviews besides newspaper articles all over Europe about me- but they are catching dust on a archive shelve, and who the heck has those lap records and race results, when race organizers- sport authorities and even press has no interest to pay someone to digitalize old stuff, especially when meanwhile those orgs have taken over- turned- and changed multiple times in 20 years?!

You wonder it’s all in German language- and not laying translated on a New York Times server? Yea- that’s because I’m not a Valentino Rossi and I don’t have the interest of the medias that much. At that point I am actually happy to have listen to my wife Marion, to not throw everything away as I retired- like my last International FIM Race License, which is the 2nd highest license in motorsports on this planet. Imagine someone would say I maybe never raced on a level like that… what then huh?

Btw… I also kept my last racing suit which was designed by MJK leathers in the Netherlands only for me. But I had many fans in Europe, whom started asking them to get a suit like mine. MJK put a ‘Akkaya Replica’ suit on their catalog which was a best seller for many years. For me, it was positively surreal when i was sitting in the truck going to the next race, and some rider passed us wearing that suit- or some fan in a paddock asked me to write my autograph on it. Till today I have fans in Germany, telling me that they still have ‘my’ replica suit and not giving it away- even though they got older and ate too much pizza to fit in :-)

Speyer 1993. Can Akkaya's with no.9 in his first German IDM race. 60,000 fans watching the most competetive class on this planet- 250cc GP

Speyer 1993. Can Akkaya’s with no.9 in his first German IDM race. 60,000 fans watching the most competitive class on this planet- 250cc GP

And yea… I didn’t win many races- I didn’t make a lot of Pole Positions- and I didn’t won big championships… I was just somebody who had to compete in German IDM 250cc GP. You might think that’s comparable with AMA Superbike pro racing? Well- that time gap between the riders in qualifying is not a match to what we’ve been through- when a field of 50-60 European champions and vice champions is only 3 seconds apart from Pole to the last qualified rider on the grid.

Champions Gala 1991, Can Akkaya and Marion Akkaya after becoming German Track Trophy Vice Champion

Champions Gala 1991, Can Akkaya and Marion Akkaya after becoming German Track Trophy Vice Champion

My very first international pro race was on Assen TT and I lead it from the start- almost won it, if I would have been quite smarter with those lapped riders- but i crashed in the last lap. So tell me how could I possibly proof such things like that?! You might just have to believe me here. And hell yea… I could have won way more races, but I found lots of ways to mess up- which was fine with me you know. In the end I was ‘just’ a guy who won some international races- competed in a field which was frequently filled with a bunch of German MotoGP racers like Martin Wimmer, Tony Mang, Volker Baehr, Bernd Kassner- until i caught Honda Germany’s eyes. HRC guys from Japan came and see me as I kept up for a couple of laps on Assen TT Circuit with some MotoGP pro’s until I broke my left foot.

Can Akkaya official race result of a International race in the Netherlands in 1994. He also set a speed record during the race

Can Akkaya official race result of a International race in the Netherlands in 1994. He also set a speed record during the race

No, I didn’t had the comfort to learn from a Coach and to earn the respect from these guys till today, no. I was sitting in the pit and cried, because I did not understand why I was 2.5 seconds faster than ever per Nurburgring lap, even though I needed help climbing up the bike caused by a high-sider the day before in Brno/Cz. I left sweat and blood on all tracks over Europe to get to the point where I almost made it to the big show… MotoGP- but I got hurt again.

That 120 mph on Hockenheimring during the qualifying for the European Championship round in Germany was different as all the other crashes I’ve been through… because it was the first time that I was confronted with ‘death’. But even then, my ‘Never Surrender’ character made me trying to slide off the table in the hospital because I wanted to race next day… that was the first time my wife hearing saying “Please, Can… don’t!”.  Till today I have these words ringing in my ears. My fast forward mode was stopped and after that I never found back to the racer I ones was.

Can Akkaya wins an international race in Oss NL and sets the record of the race. He lead the race from the Pole Position to the finish in 1994

Can Akkaya wins an international race in Oss NL and sets the record of the race. He lead the race from the Pole Position to the finish in 1994

I recovered from my injuries and tried to get back, but the total commitment was gone. Technical problems let my results looking bad, so that I wished to rather have crashed than to see the finish. Meanwhile, radicals burned down my fathers textile company in Germany. He was a Turk you know, and since then I was not calling this place ‘home’ anymore even though I was born and raised there. It was the worst time of my life, and I decided to do one more race and to retire. Marion and I went to Poland to some national race event with minimum equipment in a Van- almost the way it all began- and won the race. We went back home- happy, no regrets, and almost relieved.

We got married and our honeymoon brought us the first time to California- and many additional travels to the land of our dreams. I remember how we fell in love with everything and how deep the wish grow on our souls to finally leave Germany for a place which deserves the term ‘home’ much more.

Racers-Stoy book cover

Till then, I started teaching racers in 2004, and the Mohland Verlag in Germany published my Racers-Story ’25 seconds’ in 2006. Working as an instructor for multiple track day organizers and co-developing a program for a top notch racing school ‘Race Factory’, I felt a vocation for it and started Superbike-Coach. Meanwhile the dream came true via U.S. Green Card and we gave up a safe and secured life in Germany to go home- to California on 3rd of November 2008. Risks and costs was immensely high, but we never looked back- nor we’ve regret a bit.

20 years has been gone but I am still living it… this is still who I am, and pro racing is where my experience as a Coach grew- Yes I am rough and though, but this is also why most of my students love me for. However, I’d like to share with you my memories from now on. I truly hope never to regret, because I put my heart into teaching riders in my motorcycle riding school in California, the Superbike-Coach Corp.

Can Akkaya, 5th place German IDM 1993 in Brno Circuit, Czech

Can Akkaya, 5th place German IDM 1993 in Brno Circuit, Czech on his werks supported Moto2 bike

Eat this! :-)

Can Akkaya

Father, family man, ex-professional racer, and headcoach of the Superbike-Coach Corp

Latest Newsletter:

Also read about Coach Can Akkaya here.

Every year I’d like introduce our sponsors to you. Some are new in the family- and others are with Superbike-Coach since I was a ‘heat seeking missile’ in Europe’s international pro racing scene:

So yes, I am connected with some of these big brands with quite a story. With ‘Arai Helmets’ for example. I remember I started watching racing on TV, and there was that American guy whom impressed me so much that I wanted to get into racing myself. Freddie Spencer was his name, and he had that fascinating red-white and blue colored lid which I wanted so much, that I saved every cent to buy me one. Couldn’t make it all the way so I was bagging my dad to help me whit what was missing. I totaled two Arai’s before I made it into racing- one of them so bad, that I would not write these lines if I hadn’t a Arai helmet on at that time. In fact I started racing in a Arai- but had to change due to a sponsorship with a other brand.

Can Akkaya

Can Akkaya and Arai Helmets

I still regret, but I needed every German Mark so I sold my loved Arai. Even I was locked to that other brand, I always wanted to change to Arai- but the offer was too generous to go away. So I never get into a sponsorship with Arai while I was racing the European Championship series, which is the second highest level of racing on this planet.

Years after I retired from pro racing, as my book ’25 seconds’ brought me back on track to teach… I got sponsored by Arai Helmets Europe. Five years later I finally immigrated to the United States, and after establishing the Superbike-Coach Corp… Arai Helmets Americas took over to continue the relationship. And here are all of them:

Their products rounding up your hobby, on the bike- and in the garage. Parts and tools is what they are doing, and the prices are low!.  BikeMaster is also involved with the ‘MotoGP Project Bike’. Coach Can about BikeMaster: “I am happy to have these guys on-board. We’re using their Oil, chains, cleaners and tools. Basically all the stuff you need to keep that motor running. I actually also love their philosophy and enthusiasm about bikes”. Use the Dealer Locator to  find a dealer near you. If a dealer doesn’t have stock on the items you need, they can be ordered and you should generally receive them in less than a few days.

Motorcycles have their own specialized tire needs, and Bridgestone understands them well, developing high- performance tires for personal use and professional racing. Within the motorcycle racing circuit, Bridgestone has established a name for itself by providing tires that deliver the grip, balance, and cornering ability that have carried riders to victory over dirt and asphalt alike. Bridgestone tires combine the strength and safety to put you in harmony with your machine. And so does headcoach Can Akkaya use Bridgestone tires for his street- race- and Supermotard: “Whatever my purpose is… Bridgestone has the right tire for me and the right compounds!”

In 1940 Clyde Wiseman ventured into his garage on the East Side of Cleveland, Ohio and began producing pistons for himself and a few friends. Word of his high quality work spread quickly, and in 1941 Wiseco Piston was established to service the needs of motorsports enthusiasts. And so does headcoach Can Akkaya use all kinds of Wiseco engine products for his street- race- and Supermotard: “I need to have a deep trust in the parts my mechanic puts in one of my revised engine. No matter what it is… Wiseco Titanium vale kits, high compressing pistons, rods, or even their gasket kits… I have that deep trust that these things are working 100%- in regard to power and a damn long life!”

Axo America Inc is Superbike-Coache’s newest sponsor and is local to Santa Clarita, CA,  Its outstanding quality standards is coming from the factory in Istrana, Italy.  So no China/Pakistan junk- but still affordable. Coach Can: “We have a special relationship with Axo USA. These guys supply European racing teams.  We love the quality, and they love Superbike-Coach” Our clients have an advantage in cause of this relationship:  Axo is no cheap stuff, and gives ONLY our clients a 40% off discount… No matter what you need, street or dirt gear, a 40% off from Superbike-Coach is a huge deal.

Bel-Ray continues the sponsorship with Superbike-Coache’s in 2015.  These guys know the need of every engine to keep its performance. William (Bill) Kiefer started the company in his family’s suburban New Jersey garage, specializing in high temperature bakery lubricants. Coach Can: “Bel-Ray lubricants are all over Superbike-Coach school bikes, and I can’t find one reason to change. Just my project bike with that high performance engine needs pretty much everything Bel-Ray has to offer… engine, transmission, suspensions, coolant, brake fluids, grease, chain spray, and cleaners!”

My grandma use to say… “You’ve gotta have Italian shoes. Basta!” As I’ve been for year on the search for the right motorcycle boots- which are fulfilling my relatively high standards in my gear as a professional rider- I found out that she was right! Forma boots are developed with high-end materials on a very high quality level, and the look is fantastic. 2015 is the 3rd year I’ve been using Forma Boots for their quality- durability- safety- and design. These guys are bike enthusiasts and we love their passion- and they love what Superbike- Coach does- which is why Forma is donating a 20% off discount (code: superbikecoach1) for all of our students- plus free shipping! How cool is that?!

Racer Gloves USA is the culmination of 25+ years in the motorcycle and apparel industries for company founder Lee Block. Riding motorcycles since the age of 8, Lee has been a lifelong motorcyclist.  A former Loudon, New Hampshire road racer in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Lee has raced a variety of motorcycles at racetracks across the country. Residing in California since 1997, his current motorcycle collection consists of both street, road race, and off-road motorcycles. Racer Gloves USA’s mission is to bring you premium quality products that make your riding experience safer and more enjoyable. Racer Gloves USA is donating 10% off discounts (voucher code available) for all of our students- plus free shipping! Sweet huh?!