
Only one more month to go and we welcome a new year. Lots of things around Superbike-Coach happened in 2015, and it seems that it will keep going like this also in 2016. But let’s reflect this riding season a little bit first, which kind of ended with a dramatic MotoGP World Champion title for Jorge Lorenzo- even with a little support.

If you maybe think I am a Rossi, Lorenzo or Marquez fan- you would be very wrong. When I am watching a race, then it’s about their performances, which is not restricted to one single racer. I herd Rossi fans saying that Lorenzo does not deserve the title, which is non-sense because Jorge’s performance in the qualifying are showing that he would have make it with or without Marquez. In other words… he really earned that title because he made less mistakes. In fact, Rossi couldn’t go the pace of the trio ahead, which was going slower as they could go- so I don’t see why all the pain and the hate right now. I feel bad for Vale because I believe that his goal is it to at least equalize Giacomo Agostini’s record of 14 world champion titles, so I hope he keeps going for it.

Let’s see what Superbike-Coach has accomplished in 2015- and still has to with one more Cornering School Day 2 on 12/6/ to go. You can fence our 2015 in with one sentence… all classes Superbike-Coach ran were booked out, and waiting lists were growing on almost each class… and all of it by word-of-mouth!

Let’s think about this for a second what that means… Superbike-Coach must be kinda good, doesn’t it?! A bed of roses- or a walk in the park?… by far not. I can tell you stories what I’ve been through- oh man. I just drop some words… I got threatened, deceived, betrayed, and copied… many times. But I never surrendered and my students are coming back because they know that Superbike-Coach is different- is first hand stuff which makes them being the better rider. Basta! :-)

Our 2016 schedule is filling quickly with all kinds of classes, also two new programs- ‘Motorcycle Preparation Workshop‘ and ‘Track Days’, which is a gigantic risk. Both only once per year for now, so make your plans for it. Superbike-Coach will be also in 2016 different, unique and efficient…. promise!

I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance folks! See ya in 2016.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach


Topic Of The Month

Recap Last Knee & Wheelie Classes

Headcoach Can Akkaya:  Let’s recap our last Wheelie and Knee Down classes in Oct 11 & 12:

Luckily it was not that hot in Stockton as it use to be… but what was going on on our track… that was hot. Seeing my students all weekend to aim for a real goal and having me and my team working real hard to make most of them reaching these goals- that makes my classes always to an eye opening experience. I start this story out with a testimonial from Dean Lonskey:

Superbike-Coach Wheelie Course, Oct 2014 (178)           “I’ve been riding motorcycles for over 40 years (desert, motocross, street), 26 years recently on street, and I’ve always been a little nervous about doing wheelies but would still try. Taking the wheelie course helped with that and Superbike-Coach is a really good school to take. The instructors are very honest, upfront, and experienced (just one look at them in action was enough to convince me!). The 1on1 part of the class, with ear buds in your helmet listening to Headcoach Can giving instructions, is a MUST for EVERYONE! Coach Can Akkaya never pulls any punches and tells you “like it is…good and bad”. You can do something WRONG and he’ll let you know right then and there. However, just as quick as he gets on you for a mistake, he’s right there cheering you on and congratulating you when you do something correct. Anyone who takes this class will come away with something new learned or something remembered that was forgotten“.

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asphalt texture

As you might remember from reading part 1- I still consider the general motorcycle rider education nothing else as a joke. That hasn’t much changed since then, so I’d like to make riders aware of these things, and not to bend down too early for that shiny thing… it’s maybe not gold, even when it looks like it…

OK, do you agree with me that ‘reading’ a book about the Alps is different as actually ‘being’ in the Alps?!  Motorcycle riding is not a static 1- 2- 3- thing… this is loaded with emotions, variables and ‘feelings’.  It’s not just black and white- but lots of gray zones. A book can’t make you feeling these things, and it’s on the imagination of its reader how the content… has found a place on his/her mind. In other words… what if you read a book about how to ride a motorcycle- but your imagination gives you a other understanding about it?! The result

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Straight out: I consider the general motorcycle rider education- at least in California, nothing else as a joke. Though, my guess is that the situation isn’t much better in other states. First of- my knowledge comes from teaching thousands of students on the track and street- asking pretty much each of them from who- and where they learned from. I’ll give you some ‘pictures’ according to what I’ve seen where their level at:

There was a 17 year old new rider in one of me ‘Cornering School Day‘ classes and he was taught by “the” certified institution for motorcycle drivers licenses what ‘Trail Braking’ is. Quote: “’s applying the rear brake by being on the throttle while entering a turn“.  I have no name for that kind of “made-up”- but theories…

  1. No clue theory:  “The” certified institution has no idea what Trail Braking actually is, and just made this up… or
  2. No resources theory:  They actually know why the best riders on this planet are doing it- but can’t teach it… or
  3. Marketing theory (my favorite): They figured that the Trail Braking process involves front brake usage while entering a turn is actually a conflict to their certified curriculum- to stay away from the front brake doing any leaning.  The goal… in order to “sell” to the people that they do “teach” Trail Braking, and to have an effective Google key word driving traffic to their website… they just made their version of Trail Braking up

There was that 65 years old Lady who reached retirement and bought a brand new motorcycle to finally live her dream.  She called me to teach her to

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