Advanced riding school in California


Actually I was planning to announce our new program with the first newsletter in 2023. Same time I am thinking… why waiting?! So here it is, the Track Rookie class. The background first.

You have absolute no idea what I got to see in all those years while teaching people on big race tracks. What I witnessed there was sometimes worse than seeing things going down in professional racing. I personally can handle it, cuz’ I know what to expect and know what I’m doing, as well those students who are with me later on.

But what about you, and those who are at the point to finally do their first motorcycle track day ever?! You are about to find out in what kind of chaos you bought yourself into. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to talk you out of it, but this is not really a save and especially not a non-competitive place, even though organizers saying it. Yes there are rules, but only a few, which are mostly only in the hands of the other attendees. You know… a control rider can see only that much, and most of the time only then, when the damage is done already.

Sure, a track day ain’t racing. Well… go ask that ego driven guy who just slammed the door on my student and almost got him down on T4 at Laguna Seca. Go ask that organizer who welcomed all those hooligans and didn’t care much about 38 crashes in one f’n track day. You ask for safety at a track day? That’s like asking your Commander for safety before going straight into enemy lines. Go in the ring with Mike Tyson and ask him not to punch you.

Superbikecoach track rookie classSame route goes for the learning effect. Even though those organizers say they have instructors and you’ll learn a lot… understand there ain’t much of it. Talking about where elbow and butt should be won’t help much while you ‘roll’ down the straight with 60 miles an hour and others flying by at a 160. Learning there is very limited, unless you are an extremely experienced street rider already.

You feel like that’s what C-group is for? It should, but reality is that most are all over the f’n place. Speed differences are almost dangerous, and some fast guys going in C just because their friends are there or there was no B or A slot left. Yep… blame me for telling the truth! So let’s call it what it really is in the end… exciting. That’s what it comes down to and I surely don’t want to take away from you, but don’t be a fool.

Intensive huh?! Yep, and guess what. In the end it’s as safe how you make it, and that’s what this ‘Track Rookie Class‘ is all about- to un-tense it, and to prepare you for it. I remember when I got on a track first time, and how intimidated I was just because of that facility of speed. This is why we let you ride for many hours on our Little 99 Raceway to fade that feel. We’ll go through the entire process of bike and rider preparation and its requirements. From registration to tech inspection. Track etiquette- the official and the unofficial ones. And of course to ride on a race track.

For only $139, you’ll get the class- track riding- free sport photography and snacks/water. But what you mainly get is- a smooth transition into a new, very exciting world and interesting motorcycle community. This class gives you a head start!!!

Join our first Track Rookie Class on 3/5/2023

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

We’ve been all 18 years old ones. Lacking on reasonable decision making big time, and the only thing slowing us down was the size of balls. Back then, when I started riding on the street, I was not thinking in terms of protection, and it actually didn’t seem anyone would care, really. Also I didn’t freeze money to be able to buy riding gear along with that motorcycle. A ridiculously cheap helmet and a not even real leather jacket should do the job. Guess what… I’ve learned it the hard way.

I was knocked out and woke up on the lap of a Dutch lady who gave me water. Even though I hit that guardrail pretty hard, it seemed I got away without fractures. To give you a measure… the chassis of my bike broke in three pieces. My helmet flew off my head even though the strap was closed. My ‘alibi leather’ jacket ripped apart on the left side, as well as my jeans and sneakers. Positive aspect… that EMT didn’t had to cut much to get me out of the rest of my clothes. The pain of 3rd degree burns is something you’ll never forget, and the treatment is is a journey. Nurses pulling asphalt pieces with pin setts and literally washing your wounds with iodine. I’m sure today you’ll get a partially anesthetization and a trophy just for attending… I got a wood stick to bite on back then. Then they patch your open wounds up, which gets renewed every day. Done that ones?! Well, at least there the hair ain’t grow anymore.

Akkaya Replica by MJL Leathers

Akkaya Replica by MJK Leathers

Needless to mention that my interest for proper riding gear was triggered immensity. Since then, the quality and efficiency of my riding gear has priority and is top notch. I actually can look back through decades of development of riding gear and to be somewhat part of it when I got into racing. One of my early sponsors developed my racing suits in an impressive speed, and upon lots of fan requests they made a street rider version, the ‘Akkaya Replica’, which turned to be a bestseller for MJK Leathers in Europe. It was quite a pleasure to autograph fan suits in the paddocks :-)

But enough of me, so let’s see what’s suppose to be “real” motorcycle riding protection here. Let’s see what I can give you on the way here from what I’ve learned with all this, and with the things I still get to see with about 1500 students per year. First off… when do you need the best riding gear possible? How about during the time when your riding level is not that good- or if your balls are bigger than your ability to judge ‘distance and speed’?! That’s when you’ll need it the most. Don’t ya?! Now where are you at? How do you see yourself leveled objectively when you take ego out of equation? That seems to be impossible for the most, so how about we don’t put the gear question based on level and prioritize this.

MotoGear USA and Superbike-Coach

MotoGear makes affordable custom suits

I’m guessing you are not a professional rider, so you do a regular job. You have Mondays to do- a family to feed. Someone is waiting for you at home and you want to be safe as possible. Now what is the safest motorcycle riding gear… real leather! Tight sitting and sweat tearing leather- from the neck down to your feet. At this point it doesn’t matter if it’s a one-piece or two-piece leather suit as long as you can zip them together. Why leather over textile? If you watch MotoGP, then you see them getting up 90% at a time, and sometimes running back to the garage to keep going with the session… in the suit they just crashed with. I’ve seen riders crashing in textile on a parking lot which made that stuff useless. Just this comparison should ring the alert bell.

Even if your textile gear sits some kind of snug- the flex in there and the fact that it burns through (so things come lose then) doesn’t keep all your protectors in place. They turn away at first contact with the asphalt and so your knee, elbow or shoulder is receiving full impact. Non of the textile like materials can deliver the strength, flex and heat resistance leather can give you. I’ve seen riders actually getting injured by the protection. He was in kevlar jeans. The ‘alibi’ knee protector slid away- he broke his knee cap, and the protector cut so deep into his flesh so that his leg bone was exposed.

Snug leather is more sexy anyway, isn’t it? Yup, I know it’s hot- I know it’s more expensive, but you guys need to finally understand to add another 1500 onto this subject… your health over horsepower.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

motogear logo

I was hell of skeptical, maybe even more as you are right now, because you might not just questioning the quality- but also because they are a sponsor of the Superbike-Coach Corp and that I would be obligated to say only good things about it. No no… our sponsors become a sponsor because of their products in the very first place, so for a reason. And so is GoMotoTrip Custom Motorcycle Fairings now.

It was back in Europe, when I crashed a Yamaha R1 at about 200 km/h and pretty much everything was to fix. You either know or can imagine what the costs are to replace everything broken with original parts, especially fairings. That’s when I started looking for aftermarket fairing kits and found some from China on ebay. I thought I’d give it a shot since the kid was very cheap and comes painted. The picture were looking good so I ordered. It took about 4 weeks to get it delivered and when it did- man was I disappointed. Nothing seem to fit as it should. Not a single hole was right and had to be oval drilled to get there. Uneven plastics and too hard to bend, so pretty easy to crack. Supports which are reaching to brackets broke in no time. The paint job was poorly done. Too thick here- too thin there, and running noses all over. From 15 yards away, a good looking bike after all. However, I was in the ‘never again’ mode.

Then in 2017, we got a new school bike, a salvaged 2014 Ducati Panigale 1199R (part1, part2). It had to be rebuild. I hated the standard red ‘Ferrari image’ but I was not willing to spend a fortune for a custom paint job, so I started looking around again. Loaded with tons of design ideas I started talking to multiple Chinese companies if they would be able to make it happen, as well talking about my bad experience. I found ‘Wilson’ from GoMotoTrip who send me tons of close-up pics, and man they were looking good. When he even offered to send it back if I wouldn’t like it- I was sold.

So I was about to get an entire fairing kit including all inner plastics and a wind shield and painted after my own design for about 500 bux including shipping. I was excited and nervous as hell when it arrived. Unpacking revealed a 99% perfect paint appearance and logos under a phenomenal clear coat. The ABC plastic was light and flexible as it use to be from factory. The installation was a walk in the park. Everything fitted as it should.

Since then, GoMotoTrip is Superbike-Coach’s source for fairings and paint jobs, no matter if it comes from China. Their service and quality speaks for itself, so what?! They are our sponsor now and delivered just recently a kit to rebuild one of our rentals. The damn thing is almost too sexy to rent it out and to get beat up again. Though, we know that GoMotoTrip has our back now when that happens. Really cool stuff which is affordable and small flaws take-able. You can’t go wrong.

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

Our success rate on the Knee Down class speaks for itself… 18 of a 20 students are dragging the knee now. If that doesn’t ring the bell then I don’t know.

Not that this is an easy task. They learn so much from Superbike-Coach in a relatively short amount of time. I am proud for all 20 though, because their eager showed and they never gave up. That’s what its all about for me.

Congrats to everyone!

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

We finally could find a date to run the promised free student and donator ride out with the entire Superbike-Coach team. I am super excited about it.

Ninety Six donations have been made, to help us to maintain. Students and even people who never been with us contributed. This is not about numbers, but their hearts. We want to ride and to hang out with them on 10/4/2020.

So, if you’ve been (no matter how far this is back) an SBC student- or if you’ve donated to support us- you can join us. You will have fill the form so we know the headcount, and to wait for the details. Eighty Eight students and donators are on the list already, but this will gain by far I guess.

Only $335 and the fundraiser goal will be reached. Lots of it will be contributed to the Superbike-Coach team, which I love to death! You might help to reach the goal.

We want to ride and to hang out- doing a little BBQ. We’ll also have a service truck with us. Dean’s camera will be glowing all night I guess :-)

All free- but for love and passion :-)

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

I can happily announce that the Carrillo Law Center has become a Superbike-Coach sponsor.

Their heart for motorcycles and their riders are in the right place because Rafael Carrillo is not just a top notch lawyer- he is also a motorcycle rider himself. Just that is a 100% loyalty guarantee to those riders who need him. There might be the day when you need someone who speaks your language, and that’s Carrillo for sure.

Rafael, aka the MotoLawyer, and Yazmin Carrillo’s dedication to the sport and Superbike-Coach is undeniable. They strive to provide the very best legal services for their clients. They can provide a plethora of legal services in various different areas of the law, which creates a more complete availability of services for clients. As a lawyer, Rafael’s focus is personal injury cases and he is based in Stockton, California.  He has been helping injured persons receive the compensation they deserve for over 10 years.  His law firm, Carrillo Law Center, is a full service firm and has attorneys that handle immigration, family law, criminal law, wills and trusts, landlord/tenant law, and more.

Carrillo enters with Superbike-Coach the opportunity to help motorcycle riders and so their families. Rafael is a man of his word, so welcome to the Superbike-Coach family Mr and Mrs Carrillo!

Carrillo Law Center

333 E. Channel Street, Stockton, California 95202

Phone: (209) 900-2100 | Email:


Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

What a hot class yesterday, in many ways actually. 30 motivated riders under heat wave gave their best- so did we. Ones more the Superbike-Coach team was highly prepared to secure the safety of all participants and to give our students the full SBC scoop. Hot track- hot temps- and I was on fire!

Featured pictures of the class:

Headcoach Can Akkaya, Superbike-Coach Corp

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